Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

MEDIA - Press office ENEA
Silvia Rovere (Confindustria) Gilberto Dialuce (ENEA)

Confindustria Assoimmobiliare and ENEA together for environmental sustainability

Memorandum of understanding on the energy transition signed to jointly promote and develop support, information and studies of issues related to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability in the real estate sector

Confindustria Assoimmobiliare President Silvia Rovere and ENEA President Gilberto Dialuce signed the memorandum of understanding for environmental sustainability.

The Memorandum stems from the desire of Confindustria Assoimmobiliare and ENEA to work together to jointly develop support, information and studies of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability in the real estate sector, promoting a more conscious energy transition. This partnership continues the joint work already done with the Guidelines for the drafting of the Compulsory Energy Diagnosis in the real estate sector following the enactment of Italian Legislative Decree 102/2014.

The initiatives that ENEA and Confindustria Assoimmobiliare will be engaged in include the analysis of energy diagnoses, with the aim of identifying benchmark energy performance indices for various types of buildings, and work to encourage the sharing of sector data aimed at making individual energy performances comparable with the average performance per intended use, location and size, as well as the definition of tools for the self-assessment of the energy maturity of real estate assets.

"We have to play and win an important game: a real, sustainable transition of Italian real estate”, began the president of Confindustria Assoimmobiliare, Silvia Rovere. “Together with ENEA, we want to strengthen the information tools available to market players so as to effectively tackle this transformation. One of the objectives of our partnership is to provide investors with tools for comparing the energy performance of buildings against benchmarks broken down by intended use, geographical area, size and other strategic variables for investment choices. Energy efficiency is one of the main drivers of the modernisation of existing real estate, property redevelopment and urban regeneration, initiatives that are more necessary than ever to achieve green objectives and to support the country’s economic competitiveness”.

“The signing of the memorandum comes at a crucial time”, added President Rovere. “In fact today we also presented the ‘Real Estate Investors and the ESG Challenge’ survey of Assoimmobiliare members carried out in 2021, members who are engaged on a daily basis in translating sustainability elements into concrete projects. The first of its kind in Italy, the survey gives us an overall view of what has been done and what still needs to be done to shed more light on ESG concepts applied to real estate”.

“The collaboration between ENEA and Confindustria Assoimmobiliare represents an opportunity also in terms of promotion and information on issues related to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability in a strategic sector for the energy and ecological transition”, observed ENEA president, Gilberto Dialuce. “The analyses and assessments performed on the data contained in SIAPE (Information System on Energy Performance Certificates), managed by ENEA, are an added value for the definition of benchmarks. This is an important objective, especially for the tertiary sector, which has always been a difficult segment to analyse due to the complexity of its buildings and the lack of detailed information on their energy consumption.
