Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
Press releases and news
ENEA, in collaboration with some European research institutions, has developed an innovative laser system that, for the first time in the world, has allowed the chemical composition of the internal walls of the Joint European Torus (JET), one of the largest experimental nuclear fusion reactors ever built, to be studied in-situ, after an experimental campaign.
The outcomes of the ‘Energies for the Common Home’ project, inspired by Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato si', which involved 10 Italian dioceses [1] to promote a culture of energy sustainability through building improvement interventions and energy consumption reduction in church facilities, were presented in Rome.
ENEA and the start-up E-roundme have signed an agreement to develop a new integrated air quality monitoring device. The collaboration, initiated as part of ENEA's proof-of-concept program, foresees the creation of the ISMuSe (IoT Smart Multi Sensors Device) using latest generation of sensors and advanced technologies like the MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems), Internet of Things (IoT) and Augmented Reality (AR).
Storing solar energy using sulphur is the goal of the SULPHURREAL project, funded with nearly 4 million euro by the European Union, as part of which ENEA has built an experimental prototype in its laboratories at the Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources Department at the Casaccia Research Center (Rome).
Supporting member states in providing data on their building stock to the EU BSO (Building Stock Observatory), which provides reliable information on the European building stock, is the aim of the EU LIFE project OBSERVE, which comprises ten partners including ENEA.
The ice cores, extracted at Little Dome C in Antarctica during the fourth drilling campaign of the international Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice project, will soon reach the European continent aboard the research vessel Laura Bassi. The project is funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the Institute of Polar Sciences of the National Research Council of Italy (Cnr-Isp).