Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Energy efficiency: ENEA coordinates project on financial issues in the construction sector
Facilitating dialogue among different actors on financial issues related to energy efficiency in the construction sector, also through a permanent round table to remove the main obstacles to accessing funding. This is the goal of the European project Greenroad [1], funded by Horizon 2020 and coordinated by ENEA, which includes the Gse, ABI Lab, Ambiente Italia, Institute for Competitiveness (I-Com) and Local Initiatives System (Sinloc) .
The project will also promote training and dissemination of good practices to then develop strategic and operational recommendations to implement financial tools for energy efficiency.
"Greenroad is an opportunity to create closer links among national stakeholders, start new synergies and facilitate the exchange of ideas in order to develop more suitable financial tools to incentivize energy efficiency interventions and promote the dissemination of good practices both at national and European level ”, pointed out Edoardo Pandolfi at the ENEA Energy Efficiency Department.
Local authorities, companies and operators active in the energy efficiency of buildings are invited to participate in local events, contribute to the development of the skills necessary to fund energy efficiency interventions and, at the same time, analyse local needs, identify new solutions and best practices to be replicated.
After the first territorial event organized by the GSE in Rome ("Green finance and greenbonds as tools to implementation energy efficiency interventions in buildings and territorial development"), another 4 are planned in 2023.
"With all these actions Greenroad aims at making the round table permanent, so that, even after the end of the project scheduled for February 2024, the table will be a point of reference to discuss and share good practices related to financial instruments and energy efficiency”, concluded Pandolfi.
To participate in registered territorial events : -