Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Health: ENEA to start Alzheimer's early diagnosis project thanks to donations from taxpayers
Identifying innovative diagnostic methods for early detection of Alzheimer's disease is the goal of the project MENTAL[1], which will be achieved thanks to donations to ENEA from taxpayers (5x1000 mechanism).
The project, conducted by a research team at the ENEA Biomedical Technologies Laboratory, has the objective of developing low-cost, non-invasive early diagnosis methods to be validated in a wider range of patients to help manage the disease.
Based on the recognized relationship between changes in the intestinal microbiota-with consequent molecular alterations in the fecal sample- and the onset of neurodegenerative diseases, it has the objective of identifying a panel of proteins and / or miRNAs through multiomics testing ("proteome and miRNa) of fecal samples from patients at different stages of Alzheimer's disease, an aspect that will be studied with the Santa Lucia Foundation in Rome.
“This project has great potential for a rapid technology transfer to the biomedical and biotechnological supply chain, to the benefit of citizens and the NHS which will be able to use innovative diagnostic tools. The results obtained will potentially have a strong impact on clinical practice, contributing to control a disease with such a high social impact – pointed out Barbara Tanno, scientific director of MENTAL. To date, in fact, the expectations for prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of this disease, as well as of the main neurological and neurodegenerative diseases, have not been met ".
"MENTAL is part of the broader context of the PNRR 2021-2027 and the Cluster Health- Horizon Europe which set as a priority " the development of new non-invasive prognostic / diagnostic markers of neurodegenerative diseases through research and innovation programs". The development of biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases, through the use of omics sciences, nanotechnologies and new advanced imaging technologies are considered priorities on which to invest the economic resources destined to research" said Mariateresa Mancuso, Head of the ENEA Biomedical Technologies Laboratory.