Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Research: ENEA, 8.3 million euros from 41 new eu projects
Last year ENEA participated in 177 EU projects – for a total of 46.7 million euros of EU funding- that involved approximately 1,300 partners from 58 states and international Organizations. 41 new projects were launched, for a total of 8.3 million euros, of which 76% from the Horizon 2020 Framework Program, as shown by the report Contratti ENEA con la Commissione Europea – Dati riassuntivi 2021, which presents a 21% overall average success rate of the Agency in the Horizon program 2020, much higher than the average of Italian participants (11.7%) and of EU countries (11.9%). After Italy, Germany and Spain, followed by France, Belgium and the United Kingdom, account for the largest number of project participations.
As concerns funding, the projects in which ENEA participated mostly fall within the "energy" field (41%), mainly focusing on energy efficiency, followed by the "environment" (21%, mainly focusing on climate change and air quality), "life sciences" (8%) and, with 6% each, "materials" and "ICT ".
"2021 was the first year of implementation for Horizon Europe and ENEA put its best effort in presenting new calls for proposals both for the EU research and innovation funding programme 2021-2027 and Euratom, confident of confirming the positive trend, in light of the excellent results of our participation in Horizon 2020 ”, pointed out Alessandro Coppola, head of the Innovation and Development Directorate, which edits the report on the ENEA contracts with the EU Commission.