Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Energy: ENEA chaired Eubce 2023, the largest world conference on biomass
For over 10 years she has been the Italian delegate for the IEA Bioenergy Task 42 on biorefineries in the circular bioeconomy. ENEA contact person in the European consortium BIC (Bio-based Industry Consortium), she is a member of the National Technological Cluster of Green Chemistry. “This conference is the ideal environment to discuss scientific, policy and market topics. Sharing knowledge and visions in this multidisciplinary context which gathers eminent participants from all over the world is a unique opportunity to define what role biomass will play in an effective and successful energy and ecological transition, whose keywords will be: decarbonisation, sustainability and circularity of resources”, said De Bari.
Organized by ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, in collaboration with ENEA and with the support of the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Joint Research Center of the European Commission and Circular Bio-Based Europe, EUBCE 2023 reopens its doors to visitors and exhibitors after 3 years of virtual editions, with over 650 events dedicated to industries, meetings and exhibitions of scientific posters.
The sessions addressed to the productive and entrepreneurial sector focus on the main developments in the integrated chains of industrial processes, strategies and policies for the industrialization of renewable energy production, terrestrial and aquatic biomass supply chains for bio-based industries for bioenergy and biofuels production and multi-product biorefineries.
An exhibition is running in parallel with the conference where ENEA is presenting its activities in the sector, to encourage contacts and meetings with national and international companies, associations and operators.