Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Energy: Italy official partner of the New European Bauhaus
The ENEA program on energy efficiency "Italy in Class A" was selected by the European Commission as a partner of the New European Bauhaus, an initiative launched in 2021 by President Ursula von der Leyen to build a bridge between the the fight to climate change and art and culture.
Among the initiatives, "Italy in Class A" presented the project "DE-Sign", an urban laboratory of energy efficiency with Cosenza as a pilot town conducting training activities for PA, professional orders, businesses, schools and citizens on urban regeneration and the built environment and button-up actions for the co-design of spaces through active involvement in tactical urbanism neighborhood projects.
“The energy requalification of real estate assets is a key tool for urban regeneration. To achieve this goal it is necessary to rethink design and maintenance criteria for buildings with an environmental sustainability approach” pointed out Ilaria Bertini, Headof the ENEA Energy Efficiency Department.
The Research Group for the "DE-Sign" activities is coordinated by the ENEA Laboratory of Communication Tools for Energy Efficiency and comprises the Milan Polytechnic - Design Department, IUAV University of Venice - Project Culture Department, Milan University - Chair of social psychology, University of Calabria - Polo Green Home, the Observatory for energy poverty of Calabria and the under 40 sustainable planning company Urban Horizon.
The New European Bauhaus is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative that brings together architects, artists, students, scientists, engineers, designers and all those who wish to bring the European Green Deal closer to citizens in a collaborative platform, putting renewable energies, the circular economy and biodiversity at the center of everyday life.
Like the historic Bauhaus movement that spread throughout the world in the last century starting from the German city of Weimar, the new European Bauhaus was designed to be much more than a simple school of architecture that uses new technologies and techniques, to prove that beauty, style and sustainability go hand in hand with innovation.
The national program for training and information on energy efficiency "Italy in Class A" is funded by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and implemented by ENEA as the National Agency for Energy Efficiency. Its inclusion in the New European Bauhaus is the result of a selection process of numerous candidates.
The latest product developed as part of the Campaign is the 2023 Summary Poster, a synoptic overview of all tax deductions, including the SuperEcobonus and SuperSismaBonus, updated to January 2023.
New European Bauhaus additional partners: