Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

MEDIA - Press office ENEA
ENEA energy tips

Energy: ENEA dos and don’ts of home heating

Heating will be switched on next week in zone E, which includes many large cities in Northern Italy, such as Milan, Turin, Bologna and Venice. To save money and increase comfort, ENEA has provided some advice on using heating systems.

First tip: Turn down your boiler’s flow temperature

Typically, a chronothermostat is used to program time slots, which however only allows you to set the temperature inside the home and not the temperature of water in radiators, which remains preset and fixed.

"Variations in outside temperature of up to ten degrees on a daily basis make it necessary to avoid sending water at the same temperature to the radiators. A solution is to add thermoregulation to the boiler", explained Nicolandrea Calabrese, head of the ENEA Laboratory for Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Urban Development.

Thermoregulation allows to set the heating flow temperature according to outdoor temperatures, maintaining the desired room temperature and limiting consumption. In other words, the lower the outdoor temperature, the higher the heating flow temperature to the radiators or radiant floor.

 “This type of thermoregulation is key both for condensing boilers, which work at low temperatures, and for heat pumps, always keeping in mind that for each additional degree required we spend 2.5% more energy. Since the flow can vary even by 10° C, we can cut consumption by up to 25%”, concluded Calabrese.

  1. Combine your heating boiler with a climate control system
    Climate thermoregulation works through a “sliding” temperature adjustment of the water flow to the heating system according to outdoor temperatures, allowing the desired room temperature to be maintained and cutting consumption by up to 25% for every 10° C less.
  2. Install monitoring and control systems
    Monitoring energy consumption through smart meters is critical to gain awareness of your consumption habits and to promptly detect leaks or malfunctions..
  3. Perform routine maintenance
    A well regulated heating system, clean and without limescale deposits runs more efficiently. Failure to carry out maintenance on heating systems will result in a fine starting from 500 euro (Presidential Decree 74/2013).
  4. Monitor room temperatures and check switch on hours
    First of all, determine to which of the 6 climate zones Italy is divided in you belong: the maximum number of hours heating systems can operate varies according to the climate zone. 19°C should keep your home comfortable. Each degree less saves up to 10% on fuel consumption.
  5. Shade windows during the night
    Closing the shutters or using heavy curtains reduces heat loss
  6. Do not put objects in front of the radiator
    Placing curtains or furniture in front of radiators is a waste of energy as it hinders heat diffusion. Instead, place a reflective panel between the wall and the radiator: even a sheet of aluminum foil can help reduce heat loss.
  7. Do not keep your windows open too long
    It only takes a few minutes to air out a room. Leaving the windows open for too long causes unnecessary heat loss.
  8. Do a home energy check-up
    Rely on a qualified technician and have the efficiency of the heating system and the state of thermal insulation of walls and windows assessed. You can reduce consumption by up to 40%.
  9. Install thermostatic valves
    Mandatory in condominiums, thermostatic valves allow you to reduce consumption by up to 20%.
  10. Choose modern high-efficiency models
    Replace the old boiler with a condensing boiler or a high efficiency heat pump and install chronothermostats, presence sensors and electronic remote controls.