Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

MEDIA - Press office ENEA
ENEA and Centria agreement (Graditi on the left with Macrì)

Energy: Natural gas and hydrogen in the distribution network

University of Florence partner of the project

ENEA and Centria, a distribution company of the Estra Group, have signed a collaboration agreement aimed at testing new standards for blending natural gas and hydrogen for the gas distribution network. Specifically, the memorandum of understanding provides for ENEA to use the Centria Prove Camp infrastructure in Arezzo and a specific know-how to conduct experimental activities with the blends, contributing to the energy transition process, guided by sustainability and environment protection.

The Centria Test Camp, due to its technical peculiarities, is regularly used and qualified by accredited certification bodies like the ICIM and validated by ACCREDIA to perform tests to certify professional skills. The Field was selected nationwide by ENEA for its characteristics, both in terms of replicability of the different types of networks and equipment and the applicability of stringent security protocols, ensuring high reliability standards.

Gas-hydrogen blends with increasing percentages of hydrogen- 2%, 5% and 10% in the first phase- gradually increasing in the second phase, will be progressively introduced in the portion of the network subject to the experimental activity, to characterize the blend and verify the capacity and reliability of the distribution network.

The University of Florence will participate in the experimental activities as a partner.

 “Estra's commitment to economic, environmental and social sustainability is today rewarded with a recognition of excellence from ENEA, an Italian public research body. We are honoured to receive this recognition, that validates the path Estra has taken towards sustainability and its commitment to lead the company and the entire gas distribution sector into the energy transition" said Estra executive president Francesco Macrì.

 “Centria is committed to technological innovation in numerous projects. Our effort to support infrastructural conversion in the decarbonisation process equals the challenges awaiting us. We thank ENEA for having chosen us as part of a unique experimental project which could open new frontiers for the Italian energy distribution network in the use of natural gas and hydrogen blends" pointed out Riccardo Matteini, CEO of Centria".

“ENEA has always been committed to the energy sector, with research, development, innovation and technological transfer activities, also with a view to providing its contribution to achieving EU targets in terms of decarbonisation and reduction of polluting emissions. With the agreement signed with Centria, we want to consolidate the sharing of our skills and experiences to develop and test new technologies and products aimed at promoting the penetration of the hydrogen carrier in various application sectors, also through blends with natural gas" said Giorgio Graditi, general director of ENEA.

 “The agreement is the beginning of a fruitful collaboration enabling us to provide solutions to the dangers associated with the transport and use of hydrogen, in order to ensure its correct management, preventing the associated risks and supporting the definition of new regulatory standards" explained Giulia Monteleone, director of the ENEA Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources.

 “The University of Florence – pointed out prof. Carlo Carcasci, head of the research team - is involved in advanced research projects on hydrogen, with a particular focus on the simulation of hydrogen injection into natural gas distribution networks. This expertise, developed in close synergy with Estra and Centria, represents the basis for our contribution to this project, focused on testing future standards for blending natural gas and hydrogen. In this way, the University of Florence will help drive innovation in the energy sector and promote future sustainable solutions".

A special thanks goes to Coingas, which contributed to developing relations with ENEA, and to the Mayor of the Arezzo Municipality, Alessandro Ghinelli, for the support provided.
