Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
- Environment: 1.5 tons of waste removed from the Gulf of La Spezia
- Environment: 67 thermometer sensors to study the Tyrrhenian Sea’s fever
- Environment: 70 thousand students take action for the "Guardians of the Coast"
- Environment: A new method to assess impact of industrial activities on local water resources
- Environment: Airports, Enac and ENEA together for sustainable development
- Environment: An innovative biopesticide ally of bees is coming from ENEA
- Environment: Antarctica, marked decrease in sea ice thickness in the proximity of the Italian base
- Environment: at the start of an international competition for the best agrivoltaic project
- Environment: Biodiversity, online the ENEA "biobank" website
- Environment: Climate change, the European scientific community meets in Lampedusa
- Environment: Climate service from ENEA to map flood-prone areas
- Environment: Covid, Italian research alliance presented the results of “Pulvirus” project
- Environment: ENEA air quality prediction system joins the EU Copernicus consortium
- Environment: ENEA and Cnr to study the Ligurian sea
- Environment: ENEA and the University of Pavia develop new material absorbing pollutants from water
- Environment: ENEA chooses to fund research to protect bees with 5x1000 donation
- Environment: ENEA developed innovative laser system for detection of water contaminants
- Environment: ENEA developed innovative model of industrial symbiosis
- Environment: ENEA develops new software to calculate ammonia emissions in agriculture and livestock
- Environment: ENEA in eu project for innovative and sustainable solutions for organic waste