Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Innovation: ENEA develops "detoxified" gluten for celiacs and gluten intolerants
Thanks to a Proof of Concept (PoC) fund and a combination of skills which include immunology, protein engineering, biotechnology and biochemistry, a team of ENEA researchers at the Biotechnologies Laboratory has patented a process to produce "detoxified" gluten for celiacs and gluten intolerants with superior nutritional and organoleptic properties compared to gluten-free products currently on the market.
The "detoxified" protein is produced using bacterial or plant cells which, properly trained with molecular biology methods, become actual "biofactories".
"While remaining structurally very similar to the 'natural' one, in order to be able to maintain its most interesting characteristics during baking or the manufacturing of other baked goods, this new protein is not recognized by the antibodies present in the serum of celiac patients", explained Selene Baschieri, researcher and inventor of the patent together with her colleagues Marcello Donini, Chiara Lico, Carla Marusic and Silvia Massa.
"Our invention will make it possible to create new generation foods that can be defined as gluten safe, that would concern all those with celiac disease, an immune-mediated disease that affects about 1% of the European population" Baschieri continued.
If left untreated, celiac disease contributes to increasing the risk of developing other diseases; the only treatment currently able to resolve symptoms and prevent complications is a lifelong gluten-free diet.
To date, most foods for celiacs are made with wheat flours that do not contain gluten proteins, to which additives are added to improve texture and taste (for example guar gum). Other techniques involve the removal / breakdown of gluten with chemical-physical processes. However, these products are not completely harmless.