Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Energy: Energy tips to cut down on consumption in stores and offices
ENEA recommendations to reduce energy consumption and costs, also for stores and offices, in line with the objectives of the National Plan for the containment of gas consumption of the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MiTE), were prepared in collaboration with ISNOVA and Logical Soft as part of the initiatives of the National Programme to promote a culture of energy efficiency "Italy in Class A", implemented by ENEA and financed by the MiTE. ENEA’s posters with energy savings tips for offices and shops and the average achievable potential savings can be downloaded free of charge.
"The annual methane consumption in this segment of the tertiary sector amounts to approximately 4.5 billion m3[1], hence the need to provide recommendations to raise awareness about energy efficiency and obtain additional savings to the approximately 6.76 billion m3 of gas achievable in the household sector with administrative and behavioral measures, with or without an initial investment”, explained Nicolandrea Calabrese, head of the ENEA Laboratory of Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Urban Development.
The improvement of air conditioning in public and office buildings, the major cause of energy consumption (57% of the total [2]), is a priority.
"One of the most effective ways to cut energy consumption and expenses are intelligent control systems," continued Calabrese. “These systems can save between 7 and 20% of heating costs and between 2 and 4% of cooling costs. In addition, they can also improve the efficiency of a lighting system, in combination with presence and motion sensors. For example, upon entering the office, we can turn on the air conditioning and lighting system with the company switch card and shut it off when leaving", he said.
For commercial settings and offices, savings may vary according to several factors: climate zones, switch on times of heating / cooling systems, thermal insulation of buildings, etc. As for the residential sector, there are both zero-cost measures, i.e. daily behaviors that allow you to save up to 10% on your bills (for example, unplugging appliances and advertising monitors during closing hours), and measures requiring an initial investment (lighting consumption can be more than halved thanks to low-consumption LED bulbs with an integrated motion detector).
In winter, by setting heating at 18° C and turning it off one hour before leaving, it is possible to reduce consumption by 12%, considering that a human body inside a room for 30 minutes causes temperature to rise by 1-2 ° C. In summer, by setting the air conditioning at around 28° C and switching it off one hour before leaving, 22% of the energy required for cooling can be saved.
Turning off shop signs at night can reduce energy consumption by about 3,000 kWh annually, equivalent to over 1 ton of CO2 emissions avoided.
It is also essential to install air barrier devices in shops where doors remain open during working hours.
Use the stairs instead of the elevator
Every time we take the stairs instead of the elevator, we save about 0.05 kWh and benefit our health.
Use energy saving light bulbs
Lighting consumption can be more than halved by using LED bulbs with integrated motion detectors.
Install intelligent control systems
The increasing adoption of a smart working model requires more flexible energy management. Intelligent control systems make it possible to maximize efficiency even when the premises are partially occupied. The use of these systems based on presence detectors can lead to energy savings between 7% and 20% for heating and between 2% and 4% for cooling.
Move to cloud storage
To archive projects and documents, it is better to eliminate internal datacenters and accessory computers that are always on network. Cloud solutions increase data security and minimize energy consumption
Lower your thermostat in winter
Set the temperature around 18 ° C and turn off the heat an hour earlier. The temperature rises by 1-2 ° C after a person stays inside a room for 30 minutes. This makes it possible to reduce heating consumption by more than 12%.
In summer set your air conditioner higher
Turn off the air conditioner one hour before leaving the office and consider using the dehumidification mode. Set the temperature around 28 ° C, at least one degree higher than what you usually do. This allows to save on average 22% of the energy required for cooling.
Close doors and windows
Keep doors and windows closed when the system is on. Turn on the air-conditioner where you work and avoid occupying unused meeting rooms and offices. If an air-conditioned room is too cold, do not open the windows: ask to set the temperature higher. Remember that a few minutes distributed throughout the day are enough to change the air.
Activate power saving-mode
Activate power-management on your PC, turn off unnecessary wi-fi devices and unplug devices that aren't used frequently. This allows you to put your monitor to sleep and hibernate your PC when not in use. Use a power strip to group computers and peripherals together.
Optimize printers energy efficiency
Print only when really necessary and shut off copiers and printers at the end of business hours and on weekends. Mail, documents and articles can be easily read on electronic devices. Turn off the printer power when not needed because it continues to consume energy when it’s off. This way you reduce its energy consumption by around 24%.
Perform regular maintenance routine
Have the system checked and always perform mandatory maintenance. It is the number one rule in terms of safety, savings and attention to the environment. A system consumes and pollutes less when it is properly tuned, with clean filters and without limescale deposits. Consider replacing old systems with more efficient technologies.
Turn off signs at night
Switching them on only when needed is a good energy saving practice. Turning them off at night can save 3,000 kWh per year and over 1 ton of CO2
Use energy-saving light bulbs
Energy consumption for lighting can be reduced by 50% by using energy-saving LED bulbs with integrated presence detectors.
Install intelligent control systems
Intelligent control systems make it possible to maximize efficiency even when the premises are partially occupied. Presence detectors can lead to energy savings for heating between 7% and 20% and between 2% and 4% for cooling.
Keep doors closed
During opening hours keep the entrance door closed to avoid heat losses in winter and hot air returns in summer
Check air curtains
To be effective, air curtain devices must ensure that the width of the air curtain is no less than the width of the door opening. The air jet must not be heated by an electric resistance and must reach the floor.
Lower your thermostat in winter
Set the temperature around 18 ° C and turn off the heating an hour earlier. The temperature rises by 1-2 ° C after a person stays inside a room for 30 minutes. This makes it possible to reduce heating consumption by more than 12%.
In summer set your air conditioner higher
Turn off the air conditioner one hour before closing and consider using the dehumidification mode. Set the temperature around 28 ° C, at least one degree higher than what you usually do. This can save on average 22% of the energy required for cooling.
Remove plugs from sockets during closing hours
Unplug advertising appliances and monitors during closing hours. Use a power strip to group computers and peripherals together.
Use solar screen shades or window films
Blocking direct sun penetration from windows in summer significantly reduces cooling system consumption and protects the goods on display from discoloration or deteterioration.
Perform routine maintenance
Perform routine check and maintenance. It is the number one rule in terms of safety, savings and attention to the environment. A system is more efficient when properly tuned, with clean filters and without limescale deposits. Consider replacing old systems with more efficient technologies.