Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

MEDIA - Press office ENEA
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Energy: ENEA with the National Authorities of 10 EU countries for the implementation of the Recast EED for European businesses

Ten national energy agencies[1] from ten different European countries will be coordinated by ENEA to provide support to institutions, industries and businesses during the transposition and implementation phase of the new Energy Efficiency Directive (2023/1791)[2],. The Recast EED aims to ensure an additional 11.7% reduction in energy consumption by 2030, compared to the 2020 reference scenario.

LEAPto11[3] will act on a large scale in the transposition and subsequent implementation phases of article 11 of the Directive, which establishes specific obligations for energy-intensive enterprises and promotes programmes and support measures for those that are not obliged, with particular reference to SMEs.

Enterprises with high energy consumption[4] (above 85 TJ per year) will soon be required to adopt an energy management system certified by an independent body, while enterprises with lower energy[5] consumption (above 10 TJ per year), that do not implement energy management systems, will be obliged to carry out an energy audit. The concerned companies will also be required to develop a concrete action plan based on the recommendations included in the audits.

The project will focus on the development of support programmes, improvement of databases and use of energy indicators for industries and companies in the ten Member States involved.

Through selected pilot case audits the project will also investigate the non-energy benefits deriving from the energy efficiency measures and the role of the corporate decision maker in the energy efficiency implementation process.

The activities will benefit from the cooperation with trade associations and institutions within the framework of national and international observatories, thanks also to the support agreed in advance with several ministries, regulatory authorities, trade associations and chambers of commerce in the partner countries.

“The Industry & business sectors are facing new challenges in terms of energy efficiency. The Recast Energy Efficiency Directive imposes more stringent objectives on industry, businesses and SMEs. As ENEA we confirm the centrality of energy audits and energy management systems and correct implementation of efficiency measures to achieve the European objectives for 2030", clarifies Enrico Biele, Programme Manager of the ENEA Energy Efficiency Department and project manager . “LEAPto11 will allow ENEA, thanks also to its coordination role, to strengthen its leadership at an international level as a reference agency in industrial energy efficiency”.

For further information:

Enrico Biele, ENEA - ENEA Energy Efficiency Department,


[1] ENEA (Italy), EIHP (Croatia), DENA (Germany), CRES (Greece), SEAI (Ireland), LEA (Lithuania), EWA (Malta), RVO (Holland), ADENE (Portugal) and SIEA ( Slovakia)

[2] 2023/1791

[3] The LEAPto11 - Linking Energy Audit and EnMS Policies towards new EED article 11 project falls under the scope of the LIFE CET 2022 program

[4] Greater than 85 terajoules per year

[5] Between 10 and 85 terajoules per year
