Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

MEDIA - Press office ENEA
conference room presentation of ENEA report

Energy: ENEA report on energy efficiency, over 56% of savings from tax deductions

In 2023, Italy generated energy savings of more than 3.6 Mtoe - equal to the total electricity consumption of Lazio and Tuscany - thanks to projects launched in 2021 through support measures to comply with the obligations of the European Energy Efficiency Directive[1], equivalent to 92 percent of the target set for 2023 by the PNIEC[2], as shown in the 13th ENEA Annual Report on Energy Efficiency presented at a conference in Rome attended by the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin.

Overall, the driving force of tax deductions is still predominant (about 2 Mtoe or a 56.2 percent share of total 2023 savings). In addition, the reduction in final energy consumption is due to the growth of White Certificates, which reached 28 percent over 2022, bringing the cumulative number to 0.6 Mtoe, to incentives for sustainable mobility (0.4 Mtoe) and to Conto Termico (0.3 Mtoe). Energy savings under projects implemented through Cohesion Funds were also on the rise, with final energy savings of about 31.8 ktoe/year to 2023. It’s worth pointing out the role played by awareness campaigns involving nearly 14 million citizens with regard to the residential sector. The estimated savings induced by behavioural changes in consumption by individuals and businesses, are over 0.1 Mtoe.

“Energy efficiency is the key to tackle some of the most pressing challenges of our time and achieving the goals set by the European Union which, thanks to the Fit for 55 legislative package and the Energy Efficiency (EED III) and Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD IV) Directives, stands out as a global leader in the energy transition,” said ENEA Director General Giorgio Graditi. “In light of the vulnerabilities of global energy supply chains,” he continued, ”it is crucial to exploit the potential innovation offers, focusing on emerging technologies and digitization, which enable real-time monitoring of emissions and optimization of consumption. For energy efficiency interventions initiated in the year, the comparison between 2023 and 2022 shows a decline in savings achieved through tax deduction mechanisms, both with SuperEcobonus (-21.2%) and Ecobonus (-20.4%). The contribution of the Home Bonus remains substantially stable, which resulted in savings of 71 ktoe (-0.9%) with the interventions implemented in 2023.

As concerns end-use energy efficiency, a major contribution came from companies with the start of the third round of mandatory energy audits for large and energy-intensive enterprises on December 5, 2023. According to ENEA data, 10,241 diagnoses were received from 5,797 obligated entities, of which 44 percent are large enterprises, 40 percent energy-intensive SMEs and 16 percent large energy-intensive enterprises. Compared to December 2019 -which marked the start of the second round of mandatory energy diagnoses- large energy-intensive enterprises that fulfilled the obligation increased by 19 percent, while large enterprises decreased by 11 percent. The approximately 9 thousand energy efficiency measures carried out yielded savings of 0.5 Mtoe.

“The encouraging data in the Report are the result of the growing importance of enegy efficiency in our Country, due to consolidation of training and information activities and development of methodologies and databases that have highlighted the leading role ENEA plays in actively involving institutions, businesses, and citizens,” pointed out ENEA Energy Efficiency Department Director Ilaria Bertini.
