Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

MEDIA - Press office ENEA
energy diagnoses

Energy: ENEA, over 10 thousand diagnoses sent by companies in 2023

40,000 quota exceeded since the obligation established in 2015

In 2023 over 10 thousand energy diagnoses were sent to ENEA by approximately 6 thousand Italian companies[1], bringing the overall number of diagnoses since 2015, the year the obligation came into force[2], to almost 40 thousand, as shown by the report presented by ENEA, in which Italy confirms its top position in the EU ranking of the most virtuous countries with regard to implementing the European Directive on energy efficiency.

In detail, of the over 10 thousand energy audits submitted by 31 December 2023, around 6 thousand come from large companies, almost 2 thousand from large energy-intensive companies and over 2 thousand from energy-intensive SMEs. The most represented sectors are manufacturing (5,566 diagnoses), commerce (1,455 diagnoses) and transport (585 diagnoses).

The report shows that over 44% of the 6 thousand companies which complied with the decree in 2023, are large companies, approximately 17% are large energy-intensive companies and almost 40% are energy-intensive SMEs, mainly falling into the manufacturing sector (4,149 companies), followed in number by trade (433) and transport (235).

In order to simplify obligations and submittal procedures, ENEA has further updated the Audit102 portal, introducing new ways for companies to send data[3] and expanding the section relating to the interventions conducted.

Diagnoses allow to collect a considerable amount of data, which ENEA shares through its Energy Efficiency Notebooks, providing interested stakeholders with an in-depth analysis of specific sectoral areas, their related technologies and economic processes and a study on consumption and savings achieved and potentials in the various sectors.

After updating the sectoral guidelines to determine diagnoses, ENEA will create, jointly with trade associations, new Notebooks including the data collected through the diagnoses received by December 2023.

 “The beginning of the third compulsory cycle marked the maturity stage of the mechanism. The diagnosis has turned from a mere regulatory obligation to a concrete opportunity for businesses, also due to geopolitical and economic contingencies, which significantly affected the energy contexts in which companies operate, first of all a supply price increase", explained Marcello Salvio, head of the ENEA Laboratory of Energy Efficiency in Economic Sectors.

For more information please contact:

Marcello Salvio, ENEA - Laboratory of Energy Efficiency in the Economic Sectors,  


[1] The overall number of diagnoses is greater than that of companies, as companies with multiple locations must present diagnoses for each production site.

[2] According to the art. 8 of Legislative Decree 102/2014, large companies and energy-intensive ones are required to perform and submit to ENEA an energy diagnosis of their production plants by December 2015 and subsequently every 4 years. Diagnoses can be drawn up exclusively by individuals certified according to the UNI 11339 and UNI 11352 standards, i.e. EGE (Energy Management Expert) and ESCo (Energy Service Company).

[3] Pursuant to art. 7 paragraph 8 of Legislative Decree 102/2014.
